The Modern Debate: Choosing Between Native and Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Introduction In the burgeoning world of mobile app development, a pivotal decision awaits every team: should we go native or opt for cross-platform? This question sparks debates as heated as any tech rivalry, with advocates passionately defending their corners. The choice isn’t merely technical—it shapes user experience, impacts resources, and may alter a business’s trajectory. …

Web Development Patterns – Microservices or Monoliths

Microservices have become a popular architectural pattern in web development, with many developers and organizations adopting this approach to build and deploy applications. In this blog post, we will explore microservices in-depth, discussing their benefits, drawbacks, and best practices. We will also compare microservices to monolithic architectures and provide real-world examples and expert opinions to …

Unveiling Event-Driven Architecture: Tailoring the Essence to Your Needs

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of tech jargon, “event-driven architecture” has seamlessly woven itself into our conversations, presentations, and strategy meetings. It’s often touted as a “silver bullet” for various tech challenges, promising streamlined communication and seamless integration. But amidst the buzz and the hype, there’s an understated truth: event-driven architecture isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. …