AZ900:2024 Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)

Disclaimer This blog is part of a 3 part series covering the 2024 AZ900 study guide. While there is tremendous value in going through this blog even if you are not writing the exam , please be aware that the content is centered around the exam. As with any exam , the curriculum and the …

AZ900:2024 Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)

Disclaimer This blog is part of a 3 part series covering the 2024 AZ900 study guide. While there is tremendous value in going through this blog even if you are not writing the exam , please be aware that the content is centered around the exam. As with any exam , the curriculum and the …

Understanding Zone.js in Angular

Zone.js in Angular Zone.js plays a pivotal role in Angular’s change detection mechanism by helping signal Angular when to perform a change detection cycle. When asynchronous operations are initiated within Angular’s context, Zone.js ensures Angular is aware of these operations’ start and completion, allowing Angular to decide when to check for changes. Disclaimer: Angular has …