Debugging Stress: Using Opposite Action Techniques in Tech

As software developers, we find ourselves in a fast-changing industry with new technologies emerging almost every day. Coupled with tight deadlines, long hours, and the effects of working from home during the pandemic, it’s no wonder that our motivation can wane. Personal life stressors add to the mix, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and lacking drive. …

The Importance of Unit and Integration Testing in Software Development

Introduction Software development is a complex process that demands meticulous attention to detail, especially when it comes to testing. Ensuring robust functionality and maintaining high-quality standards require both unit and integration testing. In a recent discussion from the “Council of Elders” meeting, the focus was on understanding and improving testing methodologies within projects. This blog …

Introduction to Federated Frontends

Federated micro-frontends extend the concept of microservices to the user interface. Instead of a monolithic front-end application, the UI is decomposed into smaller, autonomous fragments, each responsible for a specific piece of functionality. These fragments, or “micro-frontends,” can be developed, deployed, and updated independently.

Exploring Machine Learning Paradigms: A Comparative Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Introduction Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on developing models and algorithms that let computers learn from data and improve from previous experience without being explicitly programmed for every task. There are several types of machine learning, each with unique characteristics and applications. The most commonly used are supervised learning and …