The Modern Debate: Choosing Between Native and Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Introduction In the burgeoning world of mobile app development, a pivotal decision awaits every team: should we go native or opt for cross-platform? This question sparks debates as heated as any tech rivalry, with advocates passionately defending their corners. The choice isn’t merely technical—it shapes user experience, impacts resources, and may alter a business’s trajectory. …

Multi-threading with NodeJS (Worker Threads)

Did you know you can perform multi-threading in NodeJS? NodeJS’ implementation of multi-threading is called worker_threads which functions a bit differently to other multi-threaded technologies but can be useful in certain scenarios to improve your application’s performance. Prerequisites A basic understanding of Javascript and NodeJS. What is Multi-threading? Multi-threading is the technique of running tasks …

Running Storybook 6.5 Interaction Tests in a CI Pipeline

Storybook Interaction tests are useful for performing automated testing against your components. Today we will be running interaction tests for an Angular application inside of a Gitlab CI Pipeline. Pipeline Overview Running Storybook Interaction tests requires the following processes: We will be doing this in two jobs: build-storybook-job and run-interaction-tests. Our pipeline is triggered when …

Web Development Patterns – Microservices or Monoliths

Microservices have become a popular architectural pattern in web development, with many developers and organizations adopting this approach to build and deploy applications. In this blog post, we will explore microservices in-depth, discussing their benefits, drawbacks, and best practices. We will also compare microservices to monolithic architectures and provide real-world examples and expert opinions to …

AZ900:2024 Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)

Disclaimer This blog is part of a 3 part series covering the 2024 AZ900 study guide. While there is tremendous value in going through this blog even if you are not writing the exam , please be aware that the content is centered around the exam. As with any exam , the curriculum and the …

AZ900:2024 Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)

Disclaimer This blog is part of a 3 part series covering the 2024 AZ900 study guide. While there is tremendous value in going through this blog even if you are not writing the exam , please be aware that the content is centered around the exam. As with any exam , the curriculum and the …

Understanding Zone.js in Angular

Zone.js in Angular Zone.js plays a pivotal role in Angular’s change detection mechanism by helping signal Angular when to perform a change detection cycle. When asynchronous operations are initiated within Angular’s context, Zone.js ensures Angular is aware of these operations’ start and completion, allowing Angular to decide when to check for changes. Disclaimer: Angular has …